Believe it or not; every Fungus is a Mold, but not every Mold is a Fungus! Both are members of the fungi kingdom. Although Fungus can be seen without a microscope, Mold cannot. Mold causes a change in color and a cottony or hairy surface. Both are found in your basement since a damp wall attracts them easily.
Here are some telltale symptoms that your basement is infested with fungus or mold:
Odd, Musty Smell
This is one of the most obvious symptoms that mold is present in your house. Mold might be present in your house if you notice an unusual odor, particularly a musty one. A musty odor is similar to the stench that comes from damp garments that have sat for too long without being dried. You’ve undoubtedly smelled that musty stench if you’ve ever left damp items in a washing machine for a long time.
If you find that a specific section of your home generates a musty stench on a regular basis, mold may be present. Follow the stink to its source, and if you find mold, clean it up and get rid of it. If the odor is difficult to reach, such as within walls, get an expert to assist you.
Mold Growth
Mold comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can’t identify the type based on color, shape, or size alone, but these top 5 signs of basement fungus should help you come close. Some present as specks with a white, green, black, orange, or brown color, while others can appear like a dark hairy growth or black stains. Examine any parts of your home that have water sources or are frequently moist to check if any of these mold markers are present. Mold fungus thrives in wet environments like the bathroom, laundry room, basement, and kitchen.
Health Symptoms
Because mold is not usually apparent, it can be difficult to detect whether you have mold in your house until you start having health issues. These health issues are a sign that mold is present in your house. Mold allergy symptoms include a runny nose, watery eyes, headaches, sneezing, coughing, and sore throats on a regular basis. If you notice that any of these issues appear exclusively after returning home, you should consider having your house tested for mold.
Condensation, Particularly on Windows
Controlling moisture/humidity is crucial in avoiding fungal growth. It’s conceivable that your home has excessive humidity levels if you observe condensation on your windows or extra moisture leaking from your pipes. This is a formula for mold development since it creates the ideal environment for mold to thrive. If you detect this indicator in conjunction with the others listed above, your property is likely to have a mold problem. To avoid and eradicate mold development, you should test for it and follow any mold professional’s instructions.
Water Problems
If you see condensation on your windows or additional moisture pouring from your pipes, your home may have an excessive amount of humidity. This is a mold growth recipe because it produces the optimum environment for mold to thrive in. If you see this sign together with the others stated above, your home is most certainly infested with mold. You should contact a professional mold removal service, like us here at Basement Masters, to test for and eliminate any mold growth. Moisture/humidity control is critical for a healthy home environment.
These are the top five signs of basement fungus and most typical indications of mold in a home. If you’ve encountered any of these signs in your home, or a combination of them, it is important to have your home tested. If any mold is discovered any, it is important to get rid of it as soon as possible.
For complete information and support in dealing with mold or fungal infestations in your basement or walls, contact Basement Masters today at (571) 371-0936.