What-If-I-Have-Run-Out-Of-Time-To-Waterproof-From-Basement-FloodingAt Basement Masters Waterproofing, we want you to be prepared for the worst possible storm or event that could disrupt your home. However, we know that storms often tend to sneak up on you. You can’t always be as prepared as you like. If you have not yet had time to waterproof your basement and you know the chance of a flood is high, there are steps you can take to make sure your home and family stay safe now!

What Should I Do Once the Flood Alert Has Been Issued?

After you have checked the latest weather forecast, the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure that all furniture and valuable items are moved to the highest floor of your house or deposited into a waterproof container. This includes important documents, such as:

  • Birth Certificates
  • Insurance Policies
  • Wills
  • Any legal document that does not have a copy in another safe place

Once you’ve done that, you’ll want to make sure to grab other important items you may need through the duration of the flood, such as:

  • Prescriptions
  • Medicines
  • Medical equipment
  • Batteries & power cords for all needed equipment
  • Glasses or hearing aids

You do not want to be without these things in an emergency. Next, you need to make sure your family has a safe location to wait out the storm, whether that’s the highest level of your home or a different location entirely. Make sure you have an emergency survival kit, with supplies such as:

  • Clothes
  • Food
  • Water
  • Phones and chargers
  • Flashlights

You’ll also want to make sure any priceless items, such as pictures, jewelry, and other mementos are secured in waterproof boxes or on your person for safekeeping.

What Steps Should I Take to Protect My Home?

If you still have a few days between you and the basement flooding risk, make sure you’ve talked to your insurance agent about flood insurance and what you’ll need to protect your property. Most policies do not take effect until 30 days later, so speed is essential here. You’ll want to make sure you do several things to protect your home since it is not waterproofed, including:

Keeping gutters and drains free of any debris

Stockpile plywood, plastic sheeting, nails, shovels, and sandbags to create a defensive layer around your property

Make sure gas, water, and electricity are turned off (if you can) to prevent issues during the cleanup process

What Do I Do Once the Flood is Over?

You don’t have to wait for the next flood or until the last minute to have your basement waterproofed or prepared for adverse weather. Basement Masters Waterproofing is always on hand with the latest in waterproofing technology to protect your investments and give you peace of mind when enjoying it. 

Basement waterproofing is critical because your basement is mostly below ground level. It is critical for the safety of your home, but unfortunately, it is often neglected until the last minute. This is mostly because of cost reasons, but once you understand its importance to the integrity of your home, it is the one place you wouldn’t want corners to be cut. A large number of people store valuable items in their basements. And it’s safe to say that the cost of waterproofing your basement is a far cry from the price of recovery or repurchasing damaged property.

Basement waterproofing equips your house with the proper water blocking mechanisms to ensure it remains a safe and habitable place for your family. Waterproofing your basement floors and walls creates a barrier between groundwater and the structure of your home. A proper waterproofing system is backed by a functional drainage system to divert water away from the building. This can be done by using a sump pump and sump pit as the collector for any water that makes its way to the basement.

The common misconception is that homeowner’s insurance will cover damage from basement flooding. Unless explicitly included in the insurance contract, most policies will cover water damage that comes from within the house. These include water from burst pipes and faulty appliances like an overflowing sink, for example. This means that you take liability for severe floods, overland water, and rains. That being said, basement waterproofing is the work of professionals. So, if you are interested in waterproofing your basement, contact Basement Masters Waterproofing for a no-obligations assessment to help with your decision-making. 

We’ve discussed in previous posts exactly what to do once the flooding has stopped, including calling Basement Masters Waterproofing. We can help you with parts of the cleanup process and make sure that your home is never flooded again. We only install the highest quality systems for your home so that you can have peace of mind. 

If it’s a severe flood, it’s likely no waterproofing system can stand against heavy floodwaters, but if you’re in an area prone to regular basement flooding, having a waterproofing system in place is never a bad idea. If you are ready to get prepared for the storms ahead this spring, give us a call today at (571) 371-0960 to get started! 

This post was originally published on 4/15/2019 and updated on 8/28/2021 for accuracy and a larger scope of information.


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